Ron Knew That He Wanted to be a Donor Before He Became Ill

Ronald “Ron” Lizama
(August 12, 1947 – March 27, 2016)

“He told me even before he got sick that he really wanted to be a donor.” -Lynda Lizama, Ron’s wife

Ron always kept himself busy working various jobs from security to commercial cold storage. He served as a medic in the Navy and worked as a certified nursing aide at a nursing home, where he met his wife, Lynda.

Even With Illness and Medications, Tony was Still Able to Help Through Donation

Michael “Tony” Camp
(January 13, 1970 – July 23, 2015)

“Even with Tony’s illness and medications, he was still able to help those in need through donation. He had so much to give in life and wasn’t able to because of his condition, so I know it would have meant so much to him to be able to give to others.” -Jeanie Sharkey, Tony’s sister