Grief Support Groups

It can be helpful to meet face to face with others who have experienced a loss similar to your own. There are many fine support groups throughout Virginia, northern Florida and the Northwest state of Washington, and nationally. These links will provide you with a brief description and contact information for groups in the designated LifeNet Health service areas.


Bereavement Support Program

The programs and services provided by LifeNet Health’s Donor Family Services are designed to provide to comfort and support to the families and loved ones of organ and tissue donors. From time to time, our services may change based on input from donor families to best meet their bereavement needs.

Quilts of Love

A Quilt of Love is made up of nine quilt squares, created by donor or recipient families, representing the circle of donation. We currently have 22 quilts honoring LifeNet Health donors, handmade by their families.  

These small quilts are displayed in LifeNet Health facilities and used in public and professional education programs as a reminder of how donation helps everyone involved in the process.

Tribute Album

Tribute Album

Think about this as an album that you will share with others who never knew your loved one (Download the instructions).

Tribute Page – the opening page in book. Pick out 3-6 of your favorite pictures and the tribute that you have written honoring your loved one, or write a new tribute.

Memory Box

Memory Box

What is a Memory Box?

It is a shadow box in which you place special mementos which honor the memory of your loved one. A Memory Box may help to integrate the memory of your loved one into your life. This is an activity that you could recreate with family and friends anytime (Download the instructions).

What kind of box do I need to get?