Donation Provides Glimmer of Hope After Devastating Loss

Kelly Sawyer Jr. always had a kind, encouraging word and could often be heard telling someone, “You got this!” After he passed away following a medical emergency, his wife, Donna, was devastated, but she knew Kelly would want to help others. So far, his gifts have changed nearly 150 lives through tissue, cornea, and research donation.

The Ross Procedure

The Ross Procedure is a specialized cardiac surgery technique primarily used to treat aortic valve disease. The Ross Procedure involves the transplantation of a patient's own pulmonary valve (known as an autograft) to replace a diseased aortic valve. A donated human pulmonary valve (known as a homograft or allograft) is then used to replace the patient’s removed pulmonary valve.

Heart Transplant Gives Mother of Two a New Lease on Life

Janell Hull was diagnosed with a serious heart problem a few days after giving birth to her second baby. This was the beginning of a difficult journey that ended just over two years later with the miracle of a heart transplant. “Now I pretty much have all good days,” Janell said.