Transcrestal Sinus Lift Solutions

OraGraft MD 70/30
The combination of 70% mineralized and 30% demineralized allograft bone leverages the benefits of space maintenance with ground cortical with the osteoinductive potential of demineralized ground cortical.
Preservation Method: Freeze Dried
Particle Size: 250-1000 microns
The transcrestal approach was first described by Dr. Summers in 1994, as an alternative to the lateral window approach where a mix of 25% autogenous bone with 75% hydroxyapatite was recommended.1
1Summers RB “A New Concept in Maxillary Implant Surgery: The Osteotome Technique” Compend Contin Educ Dent. 1994; 15 152-162

OraGraft Mineralized Cortical Particulate (FDBA)
An osteoconductive graft that maintains space and remodels to host bone when used for socket preservation.
Preservation Method: Freeze Dried
Particle Size: 250-1000 microns
A study illustrated the correction and preparation of a severely deficient maxilla using the minimally invasive transcrestal technique and mineralized cortical allograft.1 There is also evidence to support that FDBA can be effectively used in the minimally invasive crestal core elevation technique for sinus augmentation.2
1Bernadello F, Massaron E, Spinato S, Zaffe D. Two-stage crestal sinus elevation by sequential drills in less than 4 mm of residual ridge height: A clinical and histologic case report. Implant Dent . 2014 Aug;23(4):378-86. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000120.
2Kolerman R, Nissan J et al. Comparison between mineralized cancellous bone allograft and an alloplast material for sinus augmentation: A split mouth histomorphometric study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017; 19:812-820.