LifeNet Health has developed the first and only textured allograft foot wedge designed specifically to resist graft migration and subsidence.

Bone Void Filler
ViviGen is a cellular allograft intended for repair or reconstruction of musculoskeletal defects. ViviGen is being utilized in fusion, nonunion, and malunion for foot/ankle or long bone trauma in patients with compromised biology.
- Product Information
- Clinical Resources
Case Study: Repair of a Comminuted Talar Neck Fracture
ARTICLE IN REVIEW: Ankle and foot arthrodesis using ViviGen
ARTICLE IN REVIEW: Salvage of a failed ankle arthroplasty using ViviGen
ARTICLE IN REVIEW: Explant histology following ViviGen Formable implantation
- Additional Media

Bone Void Filler
PliaFX Prime is 100% bone fibers, demineralized to encourage bone formation and healing. The fibers interlock, allowing the graft to become moldable upon rehydration without the use of a carrier.
- Product Information
- Supporting Media