Taiwan water park explosion highlights need for tissue donation
On June 27, an accidental fire at the Formosa Fun Park in Taiwan injured hundreds. The resulting response from international tissue banks has underscored both the healing power of the gift of donation and the need for additional tissue donors.
The accident caused burns to more than 450 people, 200 of whom are listed in critical condition. The severity and scale of their injuries led the Taiwan FDA to make an urgent request for skin grafts to tissue banks around the world. Thanks to the generosity of tissue donors and their families, LifeNet Health was able to respond by making more than 1,100 grafts available to help in treatment for the injured.
"Making vital tissue available to these patients is the truest fulfillment of our mission," says LifeNet Health International Vice President Frederic Peycelon, "and is a tribute to the donors who made it possible."
In the U.S. alone, more than one million tissue transplants are performed annually. To ensure the needs of large-scale emergencies can be met in the future, LifeNet Health encourages everyone to consider becoming an organ and tissue donor. Visit DonateLife.net to learn more and to find the registry in your state.