Gilberto Candelario Cortina

Dear Gilberto:

It’s amazing how you still speak to my heart. I want you to know I will never forget you. I miss you. Thank you for almost eleven years of sharing your life with me. You were my friend for a fourth of my life. It’s been a year and eight months since you left to go home to be with God; quite an adjustment for all of us, your family and friends that are left here, who loved you. My Mom and sisters helped me with your quilt square. We tried to make it look classy; just like you. You left such an impression on so many peoples lives.

We tried to make the flowers to look like Portulacas, which were the flowers you liked to plant in the yard each year in the spring. I have so many good memories of you, sometimes I get tickled inside when I think of you and I just smile. Cause of what you would have thought of something. Gia Jin and Tai Pan are doing just fine, but I guess you know that, cause I feel that you’re watching over us, right along with God. Well, let me let you get back to your heavenly life with God, your friends and family up there in heaven with you. Please keep watching over us until our spirits meet again.
