Anthony (Tony) Dale Lange

Tony lived 20 years, 7 months, and 27 days. In the picture on the day he was born, there are 3 roses – one for him, his sister (Libby -10 yrs. Old), and his brother (Boby – 6 yrs. Old). Tony became Libby’s “doll” and Bobby’s bane (this changed as Bob grew-up).
One of my fond memories is of Tony with his dog sitting in his sandbox while we were stationed in Guantanamo Bay , Cuba . Each morning after breakfast, Tony would be in the back yard playing with his toys in the sandbox with that faithful dog by his side. After lunch, Tony was ready to go out front and play with the other children in the neighborhood.
Tony grew-up to be a thoughtful, kind person with a temper at times and a part-time student with a part-time job. The Christmas of 1991, he had just gotten “his stuff in one sock.” He became more mature and realized that if you wanted a relationship with anyone you really have to work at it to make it successful for both people involved.
He was a computer whiz, loved to read, walks on the beach, and a true friend to many (this became evident at his wake.) You don’t know how many lives someone touches until there is an event (Tony’s death) that shows you. Tony you were loved by many and are still miss. Loving you, mom.