TJ Shrewsberry

What is the color of Love?

When I think of T.J. standing in front of the mirror when he was six combing his hair and putting stuff on it to make it stand up.

What is the color of Love?

When he came down the hill on his bike saying “Look Grandma, no hands”.

What is the color of Love?

On the back of Grandpa’s Honda with Grandpa’s big helmet on, with the sweetest smile I ever saw.

What is the color of Love?

When I caught him jumping on his bed!

What is the color of Love?

When he graduated from grad school with that “BIG SMILE” on his face.

What is the color of Love?

T.J. climbing the big maple tree in our yard.

What is the color of Love?

When I would catch him playing and wrestling with his cousins Evan and Dylan.

What is the color of Love?

When T.J. would work with Grandpa in the garage. Working and playing with wood.

What is the color of Love?

When I saw T.J. growing into a handsome and loving young man, with a very gentle spirit.

What is the color of Love?

Knowing that he is with the Lord, and he’s smiling up there and is waiting for me, his Grandma.

What is the color of Love?

The smile my Mom gave me, which said it all, the night before he went home to be with the Love.