Kimberly Dawn Craig

August 28, 1966 – May 8, 2009

Kim was a fun, loving girl from childhood on. I remember her giggle and laughter. When she was a little girl she and my daughter went to bible school together where they both went down front to receive Jesus. She had a heart big as all outdoors. She loved helping people and working with our special Olympic athletes. Upon asking God how to make the quilt square for Kim, he gave me the design. The heart represents the love God has for her and the snowflakes are little messages from God to her. Because God is loved, I know Kim is held in his perfect love, both while here with us and now with her heavenly Father.

PSALM 139 – O Lord, you have searched me (thoroughly) and have known me. You know my downsitting and my uprising; you understand my thought afar off. You sift and search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue (still unuttered), but o Lord, you know it altogether. You have beset me and shut me in behind and before, and have laid your hand upon me. Your knowledge is too wonderful, for me it is high above me.