James Hodge III
My quilt square carries a wonderful story of love about a boy named James. You see, James had Cerebral Palsy and couldn’t do anything for himself but talk. He talked very well and could remember everything he heard. He needed your help.
One day, after being expelled from school for showing off. James’s teacher had removed a pen that Rontae’ had given him and didn’t put it back. So he showed off and was sent home for some days. His Mama worked and his sister Quita had to drop him off at my house before she attended ed class at DCT. He was pitching a fit, hollering, kicking, screaming and pinching. When Quita brought him in she said “Grandma, James is showing off today”. I said “Just lay him on the bed and he would quit in a little bit”.
Finally, James calmed himself down and I went to check on him to see if he was alright and comfortable. I told James he was acting like a Jackass and he knew better. He smiled and laughed and calmed down. He knew what a Jackass was; he had studied that at school. After the day was over and his Mama picked him up to carry him home James told his Mama that Grandma had called him a bad word. She, his sisters and brothers had to know what the bad word was. They’d had a hard time getting this word and finally he said I had called him a Jackass. She just couldn’t believe I had called him a Jackass. The next day she brought him and asked if I had called him a bad word because he told her I had called him a Jackass, which I didn’t call him one; I said he was acting like one. Everyday after then he would come in a good mood and would say “Grandma, you know what you called me” and this brought great joy to James. He would always laugh at me for calling him a bad word.
I truly miss James.
James had plenty of family to look after him. His mom Susan, Tracy his favorite Aunt, Jessie, Quita and Moody his sisters. Darnell and Dan, his brothers. His Pop Phillip. Eight Aunts. Three Uncles. James was given one month but God gave him twelve years.