Bob Matthews

The quilt square for Bob Matthews was a loving collaboration put together by his wife and children. Bob was a real NASCAR Race fan, always cheering the #3 car! On his square the checkered flag symbolizes that he had come to the end of his race.

It is also appropriate that the last lap in a race is the “white flag” lap. In life, the white flag generally mean “surrender”. Bob surrendered his life to God; he overcame alcoholism (was 25 years sober at the time of his death).

We also show in the square that our hearts were broken when a sudden heart attack took him from us without warning.

He was a wonderful husband and father and friend to so many people. He was the kind of person who was always full of humor and never said “no” to anyone who needed him. In death, we honor his memory and thank LifeNet Health for giving us who love and miss him the opportunity for a part of him to live on. When LifeNet Health asked, he wouldn’t have wanted us to say “no” then!