Maria Diaz

I had not been able to think of something “Maria-like” for the quilt square until I came across something while browsing through Maria’s desk one day. I came upon a folder with old high school homework assignments. One brought goosebumps to me. It was called “Who am I and why do I exist”.

I laughed at some of the things she wrote about who she was, but when I read “Why do I exist” I was overwhelmed with her words.

Maria wrote “I exist because someday, someway, somehow I will affect someone’s life and this effect will leave them changed, hopefully in a good way. There is a plan I will follow it willingly. Now however (this was 10th grade) I have no idea how I’ll do it at this time.”

We know that she has helped 50+ people with her donations, including giving the Gift of Sight to an 11-year-old boy. What we don’t know is how many people have been affected over and above the recipients. That could be more than we can count. That is what makes us so proud of our girl and how lucky we are to have been able to honor her very last wish.

Al, Susie, Claudia and Chris, Jen, Albert and Javier Diaz
Live, Love and Laugh . . . . just like Maria did!